Plastics’ day in parliament

As the year wraps up, the BPF’s director-general Philip Law shares his comments from the recent plastics parliamentary reception.

BPF’s programme of political contact reached a climax with its Parliamentary Reception held in the House of Commons on November 21st. This was attended by 25 MPs and Peers in a room crammed with BPF member firm representatives. For this kind of event, this was a large number. Government was represented by Kevin Hollinrake, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State and Minister for Enterprise and Markets. I reproduce below an edited version of my speech:

‘’I am delighted to speak to you on the ninetieth anniversary of the BPF and the 161st anniversary of the commercial introduction of plastics into the UK. The first plastics material –‘Parkesine’- was invented here in the UK and was manufactured just downstream from Westminster, in Hackney Wick. Today plastics underpin most innovations.

Currently the plastics industry has a £25 billion turnover and with 155,000 employees, it is the third largest manufacturing sector by employment in the UK. It is also among the top 10 exporting sectors.

The bulk of the industry is located in the ‘levelling-up regions’, and we have tremendous potential to help the UK as a source of high-quality employment, indeed offering international careers.

For those who are not thinking about plastics day in, day out here are some key points:

Crucially the UK plastics industry is key to the UK’s national security. Our products underpin defence, our electronic infrastructure, energy infrastructure, transport and healthcare. They play a major role in keeping the UK’s population fed with a fresh varied diet. The UK plastics industry is of strategic importance.

We are immensely grateful for the £4.5 billion investment in manufacturing, as announced late Friday, but we have to ask the question what exactly is the strategy from which it sprang and which companies are eligible to apply? Broad concepts were stated – ‘Advanced Manufacturing’ and ‘Green Industries’.  It is absolutely crucial that plastics are placed at the heart of any categorisation of ‘Advanced Manufacturing’ and ‘Green Industries’. 

But money can’t buy everything! To release the full potential of the plastics industry for this country we need some urgent changes in mindset, policy and legislation.

We ask you to seriously consider supporting six key requests from the UK plastics industry.

The Budget announced the following day brought many good things which have been well covered in the national press, but one key point has escaped widespread attention and that is the extension of Climate Change Agreements until March 31st 2033.BPF has one of the largest Climate Change Agreements signed between Government. and an industry sector."

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