Danone accelerates the transition towards a circular economy of packaging


Danone has announced a series of new commitments and actions to ensure its packaging will become 100 per cent circular as well as accelerate the global transition towards a circular economy of packaging.

The will includes initiatives to improve product design and develop alternative delivery and reuse models, investments to develop effective, efficient and inclusive systems for increased collection and recycling, and actions to preserve natural resources by reintegrating recycled materials into its packaging, and developing use of renewable materials.

Danone is committing to ensure that all its packaging is designed to be 100 per cent recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025.

Moreover, the company will develop alternative delivery models or reuse models where relevant, and take action to eliminate problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging.

Danone will also be actively be helping to meet and go beyond the collection targets set by regulators, such as the minimum 90% collection target for beverage bottles expected to be set in the EU for 2025.

It will also seek to no longer use packaging from finite resources, preserving natural resources and keeping existing packaging materials in use and out of nature.

Emmanuel Faber, Chairman and CEO of Danone, said: “We believe the time is now to step up and accelerate, embrace our responsibility and work with others to engage a radical shift that will help free the world from packaging waste. We will be acting both at global and local level to ensure circularity of packaging becomes the new norm. Today, we are announcing a series of investments and commitments that I believe will have a concrete impact. These will be amplified as we collaborate with industry peers, governments, NGO’s, start-ups and the finance sector, harness new technologies and invest in new solutions.”

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