EuCertPlast and RecyClass Combine Expertise to Enhance Plastics Recycling Certification


In a significant development for the plastics recycling industry, EuCertPlast and RecyClass have entered into a partnership to unify their certification processes, enhancing the standards and reliability of plastics recycling certifications. This collaboration will see the merging of their extensive expertise and knowledge into the RecyClass Recycling Process Certification.

Adherence to the EN 15343 Standard

Both organisations currently operate their audit schemes based on the principles of the EN 15343 standard, emphasising the traceability of the waste's origin within the plastics recycling processes. The comprehensive audits conducted ensure that the procedures in place adhere to environmental regulations and requisite permits.

Meeting Legislative Demands

As legislative pressures mount regarding the use of recycled materials and the necessity for traceability, the amalgamated audit scheme from EuCertPlast and RecyClass will provide a robust framework to aid recyclers in maintaining compliance with these increasing standards.

Recognising the importance of continuity for businesses, RecyClass will introduce clear transition measures for companies currently certified by EuCertPlast. These measures will include details on the validity of existing certifications and the procedure for upcoming audits, ensuring a smooth transition into the new unified certification scheme.

In light of its established standing in the plastics industry, the visual identity and name of EuCertPlast will continue to be used in communications and branding activities.

Enhanced Transparency and Trust

The agreement between EuCertPlast and RecyClass is set to bring about greater transparency in the plastics recycling industry, fostering increased trust in recycling claims and contributing to a more sustainable industry practice.

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