Waste Free Oceans appoints new Champion


Danish MEP Søren Gade has been appointed as the new Champion of the WFO foundation, succeeding French MEP Alain Cadec.

The WFO foundation originally started as a pilot project to encourage fishermen and the plastics industry to work together on the reduction of plastic pollution, and has resulted in worldwide actions in the form of clean-up operations and campaigns raising awareness of marine litter.

Gade said: “I take great pride and joy in championing WFO. The work and purpose of WFO aligns in a very natural way with my seat and position as co-chair of the Fisheries Committee, where clean seas and sustainable fishing opportunities are a priority.”

Alexandre Dangis, WFO Founder, said: “WFO offers a remarkable example of collaborating with fisherman for their knowledge and capabilities, as well as developing a true circular economy that adds value to waste.”

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