Mecmesin set to showcase OmniTest materials tester and VectorPro MT materials testing software at Advanced Engineering 2019

Mecmesin, a British company specialising in force, materials, and torque testing equipment, will demonstrates its OmniTest materials tester driven by its state-of-the-art VectorPro MT material testing software at the Advanced Engineering Exhibition in October 2019.

Designed to meet the diverse needs of both R&D laboratories and quality assurance environments, this new generation of material testers offers enhanced performance and excellent value for money.

On show will be the OmniTest 5 kN single-column tester, which is designed to accommodate tall specimens and has enough travel to measure the tensile strength of the most elastic of materials.

Mecmesin will also be demoing a dual-column benchtop OmniTest 25 kN system, designed for testing larger, higher strength samples.

The OmniTest is the ideal solution for performing static tensile and compressive tests to measure the mechanical properties of a wide range of material, including plastics, rubbers and elastomers, metals, composites, fabrics, glass, and ceramics.

Quantitative results for tests such as tensile strength and compression forces on materials are generated with a high degree of repeatability, which are essential aspects for effective quality control.

The OmniTest as a simple-to-use front panel for selection of test parameters, live load and length readings, and precise manual crosshead positioning using the multifunction controller, with coloured LEDs indicating machine status during testing.

It incorporates state-of-the-art electronics and a range of high-resolution precision Enhanced Load Sensors.

At the heart of the OmniTest lies Mecmesin’s new VectorPro MT material analysis software.

VectorPro MT has been designed with ease of use at the forefront through an intuitive drag and drop test builder, built-in stress-strain calculation, icon driven graphing tools, and configurable reporting options.

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