Arburg to build new assembly hall


German injection moulding machinery manufacturer Arburg has said it will had a 18,000-square metre production hall, putting over ten million euros into its facilities.

The construction of the new Assembly Hall 23 will give the Lossburg-based mechanical engineering company more space at its parent company site, to expand its production capacities.

Michael Hehl, Managing Partner responsible for premises development, said: “At the international press conference, held during our Technology Days in mid-March, I was saying while we here at Arburg have certainly built on many occasions… we have never before engaged in quite as much construction work, nor progressed with it quite as vigorously, as we have over the last five years.”

In response to continuing prosperous global trade, Arburg need further ability to deliver machines to customers on schedule and in the desired quantities, so it will build construction of the next factory building on the Oberndorfer Strasse in the Black Forest town of Lossburg.

Hehl said: “We wish to sell even more of our machines as global demand for them rises, and we are seeking to manufacture them even more quickly.”


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