Four Krause silos boost production at Slacks Millom


With an increase in business projected for 2017, Adam Slack of Slacks Millom, based in Cumberland, looked at ways of increasing his raw-material storage capacity to feed a new production line.

Installation of external silos can be costly, with the time-consuming issue of obtaining local authority planning consent, so Slack looked at internal storage as an alternative option. FIBC’s and Octabins take up considerable floor space but after a search on-line and a conversation with Tom Weston at Genesis Process Solutions, Adam realised that the answer was a system consisting of Krause flexible silos for his bulk storage solution.

In March 2017, Adam Slack issued an order for four eight tonne flexible silos complete with galvanised steel frames and aluminium vacuum take-off boxes. The silos measure 2.4metres square and 4.2metres high – well within the factory’s ceiling height.

The silos were delivered in June and installed immediately. Now, with 32 tonnes of safe, dry storage available the silos have started to pay for themselves by providing a reduction in the cost of bulk polypropylene granules and helping to increase production.

Slack said: “Slacks Millom is one of the biggest manufacturing facilities in Europe for polypropylene brush filament.  We provide low cost high quality goods for the trade worldwide.  As price is important to us we were pleased with the solution Genesis came up with to help stream line our raw material delivery to our extruders.  Soon after they were installed we had assembled them and put them to use”.

Tom Weston, Sales Engineer at Genesis Process Solutions, said: “Projects such as this showcase the huge advantages of internal flexible silos. Adam was looking for a way of increasing internal storage and thankfully we were able to provide the solution for the company. The silos form an integral part of a system that has enabled Slacks Millom to successfully increase their production capabilities."

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