UK CEO hits back at ‘throwaway’ recycling comment by outgoing PM Boris Johnson


London-based Greenback Recycling Technologies CEO Philippe von Stauffenberg has responded to growing rhetoric following comments made by outgoing UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson that suggest recycling ‘doesn’t work’.

Greenback Recycling Technologies

In response to a feature published in The Express that referred to plastic recycling as ‘nonsense’, Von Stauffenberg believes that a blanket statement is not only short-sighted but ultimately ends up causing more harm than good, particularly as it relates to groundbreaking recycling technologies developed in the UK.

“A great example of harmful throwaway comments is the Prime Minister’s statement that ‘recycling doesn’t work’, when in reality, the biggest hurdle is that investment in recycling infrastructure has not been forthcoming in Britain over the last 20 years,” Von Stauffenberg said, “particularly when compared to most EU countries. Rhetoric such as this only encourages the public to think twice about recycling their waste, so it can be a damaging position to take.”

The Greenback CEO has countered Johnson’s comments by describing the UK as a “hotbed for new technologies” that will help tackle the plastic pollution challenge. Significant underinvestment in recycling technologies and poor financing of Extended Producer Responsibility programs has hindered progress in the sector. Innovative recycling start-ups can be found across the country as the industry continues to work in collaboration with European partners.

“Comments like the PM’s,” Von Stauffenberg added, “are putting at risk one of the most needed, and most innovative sectors of industry. Britain is a leader in recycling innovation and could be a role model for many countries that also have significantly underinvested in the past.

“Anti-plastic or anti-recycling rhetoric really tells only half the story and treats plastic packaging as though it’s a singular problem to be solved. It not only ignores the role of plastic packaging in ensuring food safety and durability and reducing food waste but also that it is the cheapest and most environmentally friendly material if it is collected and treated correctly. What we ought to be doing instead of rubbishing recycling is improving ways to recycle rubbish.”

Von Stauffenberg foresees that a more positive attitude will help reduce the amount of plastic in landfills and rivers and the dependence on fossil feedstock.

Greenback is developing a decentralised network of innovative recycling facilities, located next to sources of waste. The company’s model uses small-scale advanced recycling plants to convert flexible packaging to pyrolysis oil, which is identical in quality to fossil feedstocks. The challenge is in the proof that the oil is genuinely made from used plastic packaging, which will help eliminate greenwashing, as well as protect the consumer.

via Shutterstock

Greenback’s technology traces the waste all the way to the packaging producers so that consumer goods companies can rely on the provenance of their recycled packaging material.

“Blanket statements that recycling doesn’t work are neither accurate nor helpful,” von Stauffenberg concluded. “Technology exists so that every piece of plastic can already be recycled. The work is now to make it scalable and financially viable. The combination of a government committed to introducing regulations with incentives and penalties and supporting new technologies could ensure Britain’s leadership in the future.”

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