Pupils from primary school create recycling pledge


Staff and pupils at St.Marys catholic primary school in Wrexham have worked hard on trying to educate their area on plastic, creating a pledge called 'Think and Reuse'.

The have been visited by a local plastic company called 'Plastipak' during its 'Plastic' topic.

The company visited the school and taught the children the advantages of recycling.

Following a bin audit around the school and the local area they noticed that the area lacked recycling bins.

The pupils decided to write letters and e-mails to influential people in the area, including the Wrexham Mayor who replied and informed the school that they would investigate the matter further.

Plastipak donated recycling bins to the school and the Head teacher of the school, Rachel Acton, has become keen to introduce new ways of reusing old materials.

The children have also visited local cafes in the area to display their 'refill not landfill' posters in shop windows, encouraging people to refill their water bottles instead of buying a new one.

The school is currently building an eco-greenhouse made of plastic bottles and trying to decorate the classroom and outdoors using reusable materials, such as bird feeders.

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