GreenLight concludes with positive outcomes


GreenLight, a project funded by the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, has now concluded with a pilot scale process for production of lignin-based carbon fibre.

The aim of the project was to demonstrate a new biobased, renewable, and economically viable carbon fibre precursor produced in Europe with European raw material, and to develop conditions for its processing into carbon fibre and structural carbon fibre composites.

Gary Foster, Senior Project Manager at Coventive Composites, said: “Today’s carbon fibre production is based on the use of a petroleum-based raw material, PAN. Both the starting precursor and the process for turning its in carbon fibre are costly, with most of the PAN used in Europe being imported.”

“The automotive sector has identified a need for a cheaper lower-grade carbon fibre to meet the demands of components in normal consumer cars.”

“Lignin from kraft pulp mills is a green, sustainable, abundant, and cost-efficient new potential carbon fibre precursor.”

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