ALPLA secures high-quality resources for the production of sustainable plastic packaging solutions for the South American markets. ALPLArecycling joins the Brazilian HDPE recycling company Clean Bottle and acquires a majority stake in the joint venture. The plant has an annual output capacity of 15,000 tonnes of HDPE recycled material (rHDPE).

ALPLA wird Mehrheitseigner bei Clean Bottle // ALPLA becomes majority shareholder in Clean Bottle // ALPLA se torna acionista majoritário da Clean Bottle
ALPLA steigt mit einer Mehrheit am brasilianischen Joint Venture Clean Bottle in den südamerikanischen Recyclingmarkt ein. // ALPLA is entering the South American recycling market with a majority stake in the Brazilian joint venture Clean Bottle. // A ALPLA está entrando no mercado de reciclagem da América do Sul com participação majoritária no consórcio brasileiro Clean Bottle.
"Demand for sustainable packaging solutions made from recycled plastic is growing on all continents. Our customers want to reduce their CO2 consumption and we support them in doing so. By investing in Clean Bottle, we are securing the long-term supply of our plants in Brazil with our own high-quality post-consumer recycled material (PCR)," explains Dietmar Marin, Managing Director of ALPLArecycling.
ALPLA already uses around 32% PCR material in the production of HDPE packaging in Brazil – and the trend is rising. "Brazil is the beginning of our recycling activities in South America and therefore the choice of partner is of key importance. Clean Bottle is an established manufacturer and, as a long-standing supplier, shares our quality standards," emphasises Christoph Schneider, Regional Managing Director South America (SOAM).
Partnership for the circular economy
Clean Bottle’s recycling plant boasts a modern infrastructure, self-sufficient rainwater treatment and the highest quality standards. Around 120 people are employed on the 15,000 square metre site. The company’s founders, Leandro Tanaka, Adriano Tanaka and Jadir Voltoline Junior, will also contribute their experience to the management of the joint venture. The cooperation is also bolstered by the collection centre of their Clean Plastic Group in Curitiba, which will be further expanded in the future.
"For over 35 years, we have seen ourselves as a link in the circular economy, adding value to used plastics. With this vision, we have established ourselves as a strong partner for the packaging industry and society. Together with ALPLArecycling, we are now taking the next step and want to grow together," says Leandro Tanaka, Managing Director of Clean Bottle.