Devon-based machinery developer Colin Mear Engineering (CME) Ltd. marks International Women’s Day by spotlighting the achievements of Customer Account Manager Carolyn Newbery.
CME’s Carolyn Newbery celebrates a career spanning 32 years in engineering and automation
Carolyn Newbery
Described by her employers as a ‘shining example of a woman who has built a lengthy and successful career in what has historically been a male dominated field,’ Newbery entered the world of engineering in 1989, when the ‘glass ceiling’ concept remained in full effect. The world has changed much since that time, but women and girls are still struggling, in many parts of the world, to find a way into STEM-based careers.
Newbery began her career with CME in the role as Sales Co-ordinator, which included shipping and events administration responsibilities before a spell on maternity leave. Upon her return, she found the flexibility to not only adapt to life as a parent, but to the now more advanced communications technology in the workplace.
“During my time at CME,” she said, “and before having children, I really enjoyed my work and the opportunities available to me[.] I was determined to return to work as soon as possible. This enabled me to not only to continue to make a contribution to the business through my role in sales, but also allowed me to keep pace with the new systems and technologies which were being adopted by the business.
Upon her return to full-time employment, Newbery was able to add customer-facing marketing activities with international stakeholders across the world, from South America to Africa, the Middle East and India.
The travelling element is a mark of success in most areas of employment, as Newbery admitted: “I have always enjoyed the numerous opportunities that CME has given me over the years, and especially the chance to work Internationally with the different challenges which these markets present in terms of attitudes and culture. It is immensely satisfying to not only succeed in securing new business for CME in these countries, but to be welcomed and respected by my contacts and customers.”
In a press release, CME Marketing Manager Louise Bird said: ‘A combination of Carolyn’s, drive, and ambition, together with CME’s philosophy of encouraging employee development, has proven to be a recipe for success for both parties, with Carolyn now a key contributor to the ongoing success of the business and someone who clearly reinforces the potential for women in business.’
The annual International Women’s Day is an important global initiative that aims to bring the recognition and celebration of women in leadership roles to everyone. This year’s theme is titled #BreakTheBias, which asks participants to advocate a world of equality.