SEKISUI Chemical has been voted as one of the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World.
The Global 100 is an index initiated and regulated by the Canadian firm Corporate Knights, and evaluates major companies from all sectors by examining their sustainability performance from a number of perspectives such as environment, society, and corporate governance (ESG).
The 2020 Global 100 was announced at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, a SEKUSUI Chemical was rewarded for its performance in several evaluation criteria.
Areas where the company was singled out for particular praise were clean revenue, resource and clean air productivity, innovation capacity, safety, and employee retention.
Ranked in 12th place, SEKISUI Chemical was the highest ranked Asian company in the Global 100.
Teiji Koge, Chairman of the Board and Representative Director at SEKISUI Chemical, said: “By applying ESG management, we would like to realise a future where society becomes more sustainable as our business grows.”
“The capability to create products and services that can contribute to solving social problems is at the centre of ESG management, and the future of SEKISUI Chemical depends on it.”