An independent report of the UK nations’ progress in adopting policies to become ‘circular economies’ has found that Wales scores above the rest of the UK.
The study, by Resource Recovery from Waste, analysed the approaches of the four UK governments towards developing a more ‘circular economy.’
More than any of the other UK nations, of 16 key indicators used in the study, Wales was found to meet 14 of the key themes.
In the four UK nations, comparing the results to government plans shows great differences in progress towards becoming a circular economy.
The report makes recommendations for growth, innovation, and resilient infrastructure whilst contributing to quality jobs and welfare throughout the UK.
“This is welcome recognition of the hard work being done in Wales across many sectors to become a more circular economy. This work is being driven forward by policies such as Towards Zero Waste and initiatives like WRAP Cymru’s Plastic Route Map for Wales, due to be published in the autumn,” said Hannah Blythyn, Minister for Environment.
“Welsh schemes such as our Circular Economy Investment Fund and the Collaborative Change Programme are supporting both the private and public sectors in Wales, helping towards our ultimate aim of becoming a zero waste nation by 2050.”