Plastic injection moulder, Pentagon Plastics Ltd, has received a business boost from TV celebrity, Theo Paphitis, by way of the prestigious honour of a #SBS (Small Business Sunday) Award, communicated through Twitter.
#SBS is the Dragon’s Den star’s way of rewarding and promoting small businesses that send him a tweet describing their business and activity in an allotted time frame each Sunday.
Paphitis ‘retweets’ six of his favourite messages, which can be seen by all of his 300,000-plus followers, providing a massive boost to the chosen businesses through increased Twitter followers, positive media publicity and crucially for many, increased sales.
Pentagon Plastics joined Twitter and the world of social media almost a year ago as an innovative approach to marketing working alongside the existing traditional methods to raise service awareness.
Pentagon’s Business Development Manager, Gabby Day, said: “The #SBS award is very exciting for us and should be for the Manufacturing Industry as a whole. Raising awareness of the polymer industry and the opportunities within it is something that we have been focused on over the last year as well as promoting our own brand of services. We strongly believe that this award will go a long way to helping us achieve our long term goals.’’
Pentagon says social media has developed into a very valuable marketing tool running alongside more traditional approaches and believes that as well as enabling it to make invaluable contacts it has also helped to spotlight the UK manufacturing industry.
Pentagon’s Managing Director, Paul Edwards, commented: “Last year we celebrated our 40th anniversary as a business and to celebrate we underwent a huge rebranding to show that we are now looking ahead to what we can achieve in our next chapter. Gabby had the foresight to approach me with the idea of taping into social media as a more radical approach and after researching it we went for it. We were met with some scepticism within our own organisation but I think this award shows it was a bold yet strategically great move for us as a business.”
The winning Tweet read:
@TheoPaphitis #SBS family run Plastic Injection Moulder encouraging staff to be empowered to develop the business and be motivated...
Anyone looking for a re-tweet from Theo should tweet him about their business on a Sunday between 5pm and 7:30pm and include the #SBS.
To follow Pentagon Plastics on Twitter look for @pentagonPIM