Based in Madrid, Tolsa S.A. supplies flame-retardant and specialised additives for a range of markets. It will be bringing this expertise to K 2022 where its ADINS range of flame-retardant additives for PP, PVC, rubber polymer systems, and silicones, along with its ADINS Protection range for biocide applications, will be showcased.
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closeup of a three-phase electric cable on a white background
Tolsa has translated its ADINS FR technology to nylon (PA) matrices for applications in electrical/electronics, automotive, textile, and transportation markets, and is developing new products for these systems. During the last two years, Tolsa has completed extensive testing with PA matrices using a range of ADINS products.
ADINS flame-retardant technology is described as a ‘highly suitable alternative to antimony trioxide (ATO)’. ATO is a widely used FR additive which is currently is under regulatory study due to toxicity and carcinogenicity concerns. In addition, the variability of ATO prices and supply issues have generated additional concerns. However, in some applications, such as E&E, its use is unavoidable. Hence the development of what Tolsa names its ‘safer synergists’ that can reduce the ATO dosage without damaging performance and processability.
Tolsa will also highlight the wire and cable market where ADINS FR products are meeting the growing demand for synergists in an environment of increasingly stringent regulations as well as environmental, health and safety standards.
Tolsa will aim to show that its ADINS technology enables the development of customised grades that ‘guarantee compliance with specific industry requirements’ by improving the behaviour of plastic components under fire conditions.
At K show, Tolsa will also showcase its ADINS Protection biocide line. ADINS Protection P4 (zinc based) has been approved for applications such as rubber and polymerised material preservatives, amongst others, in Germany.
Targeted applications also include outdoor furniture, architectural and hospital products, construction, plastics and rubber applications such as toys and swimming pools, and paints and coatings.
In collaboration with Delta Tecnic, Tolsa completed a study of the antimicrobial activity in PVC formulations for swimming pools. It was verified that the resulting PVC, incorporating ADINS Protection additives, was biocidal against E. Coli and P. Aureuginosa, as well against all enveloped viruses, including Coronavirus types, Norovirus, Rotavirus and Adenovirus, according to European Standard 14476:2013+A2:2019.
Tolsa S.A. will exhibit from Hall 8B, Booth D 46.